June is misc'ing

Damn, its june already. Time’s passing so fast these days. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G ! I’m going to post about every day of june to keep track of all the things I managed to do in 30 days. So today I’m going to Düsseldorf to support my friends who are playing a concert there. I will also take […]

WordPress vs. Textpattern reloaded

A couple of weeks ago I said I left the wordpress world – well I’m back. It was a hard decision to go back to wordpress but I had to and here is why: I still adore textpattern for its pretty php code, for its flexibility and its ease of use but it is more […]

Bert Bos auf dem 22C3

Gestern hielt Bert Bos einen seiner beiden Vorträge auf dem 22C3. Da ich ihn einlud zum Congress zu kommen war ich natürlich besonders gespannt zu sehen wie sehr sich die usual supects für das Web interessieren. Der Vortrag fand im kleinsten der vier Säle statt in den aber geschätze 150 Zuhörer passten. Als Bert Bos […]