I'm sick ! Time for blogging !

Nothing new there some might say but I’m serious – I caught a nasty cold with all its »glory« features. The good thing about that is the huge amount of time I’m able to spent for all kinds of things. This is my third day of feeling shitty and today is blogging day. Yesterday I crawled through my thousands of unread RSS messages so this first post will present the noteworthy ones.

Steve Balmer makes the start – after reading his interview one could hardly doubt that this mans psychological health is far beyond of being in danger.


After that I had to relax, luckily enough I found the Browser Graveyard. Sometimes even digg.com is worth a look. They have every fscking browser that ever saw the light of the day (well, CRT or TFT).


The next stop was »Pixel«. Pixel? Yes, I found it also via digg because somebody claimed it would be a »Photoshop Killer«. Usually such claims are a clear indicator that this is total bullshit. Well – and this was one of them. But there are interesting things about this tool. First of all it runs on nearly any OS you can imagine – really. It looks more like Photoshop than Gimp does and I felt more secure in guessing which button would do what. In the end though it was horribly slow, and I really didn’t even start to edit the 2,2 MB picture which I opened. So in terms of performance Gimp is ahead of Pixel – at least on OS X. Try the demo yourself:


The next one is for all the non-geeks out there. There are a couple of those reading my blog so I don’t want them to miss the very expensive cat toy I found a couple of days ago. Have fun:


Since I’m into photography I’m especially interested in concert photography which is why I found the following article especially interesting. Damn! I need money for the equipment he’s listing (which I wanted to buy anyway if I had the cash). Making money with photos is one of my many dreams – well in fact I already made money with taking photos but it wasn’t enough to pay for a camera …


If you’re interested in photography I might recommend the next site as well. It is called »One Picture A Day« but it looks like they can’t keep up with that claim. Some of the pictures are cool enough to not complain about it.


That’s it for now – I need breakfast.

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Textpattern with XML-RPC !!!

Starting today, there is an official XML-RPC available for textpattern, my favourite CMS. This is soo so cool, I’m going to try it out RIGHT NOW. Updates will follow.

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June is misc'ing

Damn, its june already. Time’s passing so fast these days. A-M-A-Z-I-N-G !

I’m going to post about every day of june to keep track of all the things I managed to do in 30 days.

So today I’m going to Düsseldorf to support my friends who are playing a concert there. I will also take some photos I hope. The name of the band is »Quarter«, check out the website if you’re interested in britpop’ish music.

Quickie: About to buy a Macbook?

Well there are a lot of undecided souls out questioning themselves over and over again the same question: »Should I? I mean, REALLY?«

Since Apple announced the MacBook lots of people think about buying it even the ones who were not too fond of Apple computers. For all of those there is one argument more to do it. There is a very detailed review on arstechnica – read it – I guess afterwards it is much easier to decide.

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After figuring out Javascript I felt the urge to take another step. Usually when I tried to program stuff I was filled with resentment afterwards because certain things didn’t work as I had envisioned them and usually it was more like fighting than playing with the languages I chose. With Javascript is was the other way around, it was actually a lot of fun but still I was missing something since it is more like a front end / interface language than a language for writing the back end logic. In my favicon example I was using Perl for the database queries and the http checks on the submitted URLs but that was only because I didn’t know any other programming language for these kind of tasks. Ever since I swore to myself to stay away from PHP. Although PHP is not necessarily insecure I didn’t like it the minute I saw it. That left a big question mark in my head until ruby on rails appeared out of nothing in July 2004. The first videos that showed the features of rails could be found everywhere in the web. Everyone was curious, including myself. I played around with the early rails but my programming skills were a lot worse than they are now so I didn’t really know what I was doing and stopped doing it shortly after.

A couple of days ago I asked myself which language I would choose to be able to program my own back ends. I had the answer already in my mind, I knew that rails was really the only choice for me. I’m not a very good programmer, in fact I’m a design student but I’m driven by the thought to learn as much as I can until I get too old for this.

When I made websites I used dreamweaver first, later I wrote the HTML myself because dreamweaver wouldn’t fit my quality and feature requirements. Now sometimes customers want to be able to manage their own content, so I’m giving them a Content Management System. But it is the same thing, all of the CMS systems have a lot of features but in most of the cases they are just not the right ones for the current case. So I thought a lot of times »One of these days, I’m gonna write my own CMS«. I also thought that I would do it with rails, simply because there wasn’t any other webframework out there which promised the easy and elegance of rails. I even considered JSP and PHP for a moment but when I took a closer look on Ruby and Ruby on Rails the decision was easy.

The only thing that bugged my was rubys syntax which is quite different to Javascript, Perl, Python, PHP and a couple of more. It was hard to get used to it but after swallowing down the ruby book in two days it was much more familiar and I even started to like it. I started to read the rails book and some tutorials right afterwards. Then I tried to think of a real life project which I would try to realize with rails. It is a web application for documenting the projects of my art school in a web 2006 way. I started the project three days ago and right now I know for sure that I made the right decision with rails. It is so easy, so light, so elegant. I think I will end up writing more XHTML and CSS than ruby. Well that is probably a little too optimistic but I was amazed to see how fast you can get things rolling. You suddenly have a lot of time to think of content and structure rather than about technical problems or difficulties. Pandur helped me out getting started and I will need his help a couple of more times but once we glued together the first things I could take over the steering wheel. It is fun!

Right now the project runs on localhost only because I was lazy and downloaded Locomotive for Mac OS X which gave me everything I needed. But since I’m also using SVN now I will check out the project on my server too. I let you know so you can follow its progress. So the next posts will be about my trip on rails. Meanwhile I will also post about my current project at UdK but I guess it will get its own website anyway.

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