Tag Archives: led
Next Stop: 27 LED Cube Street
Building the 2x2x2 cube was really easy. We literally bought the Arduino, a couple of LEDs and cables (as described here), put it together and it worked. Of course we wanted to go to the next level immediately, just like in a video game. With the same principles we built a 3x3x3 cube but this […]
2x2x2 Multiplexing Demo
Today I decided to use the small 2x2x2 cube to demonstrate multiplexing and so I got out my breadboard and connected it in most simple way possible. All six cube pins go directly into the Arduino IO pins. I uploaded the program which I mentioned in one of the previous posts and it worked right […]
But what parts are needed to get started?
After writing an introduction and posting the first cube its probably time to talk a bit about the necessary hardware. After months of fiddling around I take certain things for granted that were really difficult to figure out in the beginning. Therefor I will also talk about the necessary tools and materials starting with the […]
In the first post I said that building small LED cubes is reasonable easy. Without much prior experience we (my girlfriend and myself) built this small 2x2x2 cube. Its really tiny and the soldering is sloppy but it worked. Unfortunately I can’t find the board that belonged to the cube so I there is only […]