Textpattern, my favourite CMS

I don’t know for sure if mentioned this before so I am going to write some words about my favourite Content Management System. The reason I like textpattern is its simplicity and its flexibility. You can do tons of stuff by combining small modules that are simple to use and to understand. It is well documented and very light-weighted. Best of all: It is free!

I tried dozens of CMS and most of them either had a lack of features or a GUI which wouldn’t allow you to control all the features easily. I was so glad to find textpattern although I think it isn’t suitable for large corporate websites. Anyway, so far nobody asked me to do a large corporate website and I think I wouldn’t like it either. With texpattern you don’t have to dig yourself through all the glory details to get it running but if you want to dig, play and customise it you can do it, most of the time without even seeing a piece of PHP code.

It works great for blogs or small to medium websites. There are tons of plugins, mods, tutorials, and themes available so you don’t have to start from scratch.

Thank you textpattern for saving time and aggravation!


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Google Earth is soo 1995

I had a lot of fun last night at the CCCB. We talked till early morning about all kinds of stuff. Pavel also showed me the video of art+com’s project called Terravision. It is pretty much like Google Earth except it was done in 1995 and had a way cooler interface. art+com now released the original video from 1995 and i decided to send it out via bittorrent with their permission so everybody can get a picture of that project. They spent millions of dollars for this project, nowadays this kind of application runs on nearly every computer and you can get it for free from google.

Have fun watching, it is really amazing to see!

Download: Terravision Video

Neues aus dem Reprokurs

Gestern fand mal wieder der Reprokurs mit Florian Süßl con Metadesign an der UdK statt. Nachdem wir in den Vormonaten das theoretische Wissen vermittelt bekommen haben ging es gestern mit der Praxis los. Dafür hat uns Florian seine Photoshop Settings für das »Soft-Proofen« / Druckvorstufe gegeben. Ich habe mit seiner Erlaubnis daraus ein .zip File gemacht und selbiges auf smyck.org geladen damit es sich jeder herunterladen kann. Das File gibt es hier: repro-settings.zip

Da Florian auch Mac OS X benutzt sind die Files schon in der Mac OS X typischen Verzeichnisstruktur. Die Windowsuser unter euch müssen leider selbst herausfinden wo die Profile und Settings hinmüssen. Vermutlich einfach irgendwo in einen der Photoshop Unterordner.

Außerdem sei noch angemerkt wofür die Abkürzungen in den Proofsettings stehen:

Fwe – Farbwerte erhalten
PW – Papier Weiß simulierenm

Bei TFT Displays mit hohem Kontrastverhältnis empfiehlt es sich das Papierweiß zu simulieren da deren Weiß weißer ist als Papier. Röhrenmonitore oder TFTs mit Kontrastverhältnissen von 500:1 oder weniger schaffen es grade mal so das Papierweiß abzubilden.

Als letzte Anmerkung noch der Hinweis das diese ganzen Proofingeinstellungen bei Schwarz/Weiß-Bildern nicht wirklich gut funktionieren. Bei derartigen Bildern einfach nur Iso-Coated als Profil auswählen und keine weiteren Simulationsoptionen anklicken.

Falls ihr noch fragen dazu habt – nur zu!

Winter in Berlin

In december we had more snow than usual – this is what it looks like.

Mercedes Covered with Snow

The 22C3 is over

I have to write a few words about the 22C3 which just came to an end. This was the first congress without having my laptop with me. I decided to see as many lectures as I could and therefor I didn’t want to walk around with a 17″ Powerbook in my hand. It worked pretty well compared to last year where I got really exhausted by running around with a heavy backpack all day long. So I saw a lot of lectures of which some were really inspiring. A positive surprise was the lecture by Jacob Appelbaum who talked about his experiences in Iraq and New Orleans (Personal experiences bringing technology and new media to disaster areas). He showed a lot of pictures and gave personal impressions on the situations he encountered. His voice was filled with bitterness and the audience was truly impressed by that. Since all the lectures are available as video files and video streams you can watch his talk from your computer. Jacob also enjoyed the 22C3, in fact he claimed in his weblog that it was the best conference he attended so far. In other words – he seemed to like it a lot.

Another person who seemed to like it a lot was Bert Bos. We met and talked on all of the four days. It was really good to have him in Berlin. His first talk was really interesting because it was about the upcoming standards of W3C and people followed his words closely. The second talk was about the W3C in general. It was early and not very crowded. I think it would have been better to give him two hours for one talk so the main part could have been about the standards and the end would have been about the consortium itself and how one could get involved. I hope he comes back next year so we can figure something out. Concerning the other lectures about the web … I was really disappointed about the Ajax / Javascript talks, I think because there was nothing new in it for me. Anyway, he was telling me that he never was at a conference like this, he stayed the whole four days until the last event ended. Somehow I knew from the early emails that he would fit in.

Bluetooth hacking, XBox hacking and Infrared Hacking were also memorable talks. Mostly for entertaining reasons but they also reminded people to question technology, even if it’s decades old.

Another highlight for me was Eric Blossoms talk on how to build you own radar as well as the talk about magnetic stripe technology.

Of course there were a lot more lectures but at this point I can’t point out every one of them. Maybe in future posts. I really enjoyed this conference. I enjoyed the people, the information, the inspiration and the atmosphere. See you again in 2006!

I guess you can find more impressions and feedback via technorati and flickr.

The proceedings of the 22C3 are available here. A complete list of the videos will be announced on the 22C3 weblog.