Helsinki Complaints Choir

AnnaLena showed me a video two days ago which I have to share with all of you. It is a video of the Helsinki Complaints Choir which is really fun to watch. The sound of the finnish language is neat and the lyrics are hilarious. They are really complaining but in a very decent and entertaining manner. My favorite is the part the one with the ringtones. Go on their website and click on downloads to get the video or right click on the following link and download it directly via right click “save linked file as”.

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Photoshop Farbeinstellungen Reloaded

Durch diverse Blogumstellungen sind die von mir einst geposteten Photoshop Einstellungen von Florian Süßl verschwunden. Eine Leserin bat mich nun um genau diese Einstellungen weswegen ich selbige nun hier nochmals postuliere.

Dazu gibt es noch zwei Screenshots. Auf dem ersten ist die Ordnerstruktur zu sehen die man erhält wenn man das entpackt. Der Ordner ColorSync sowie der ApplicationSupport befinden sich in der Library. Die Struktur im repro-settings Ordner sieht etwas anders aus deswegen sei es an dieser Stelle nochmal erwähnt. Wo die Files auf Windows Computern hinmüssen weiß ich leider nicht. Da müsstet ihr selber nachforschen.

Der zweite Screenshot zeigt wie die Einstellungen im Photoshop selbst aussehen sobald man das richtige Preset auswählt (iso coated).

Nachdem man also die Files an die richtige Stelle kopiert hat, Photoshop starten, Farbeinstellungen öffnen, ISO Coated als Preset auswählen und fertig.


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Javascript: Dynamic Regular Expressions

While I was rewriting my tag-engine for weirdweirdworld for the third time I came across a problem which costed me a couple of hours to solve. I’m using dynamic RegExps in my Javascript which have to be created using the new RegExp(variable) constructor instead of writing /variable/. After looking through the web I also found a way to add special characters like ^ and $ to specify precisely what I want to match. The syntax for this is:

var myReg = new RegExp('^' + variable + '$');

But I wanted to match the word boundaries, the modifier for this would be ‘\b’ but it didn’t work like that:

var myReg = new RegExp('\b' + variable + '\b');

I couldn’t find anything useful about this in my Javascript books so I tried several alternations for myself. It turns out that the solution looks like this:

var myReg = new RegExp('\\b' + variable + '\\b');

I don’t know if anybody is aware of this, I wasn’t and I think it is kind of unexpected since the literal version of this /\\b/ would match a backslash followed by a ‘b’.

Anyway, I had to post it for people looking for the same thing. Does anyone know a book about Javascript that deals with dynamic RegExps properly? Javascript The Definite Guide by O’Reilly was missing that detail too.

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Praised be TextMate and its SVN bundle

It is really unbelievable. This tool is worth every cent. I know I wrote about my affection towards TextMate before but in this very moment I had to do it again because TextMate is replacing one tool after another. I have a subversion repository for my weirdweirdworld project. Usually I edit my HTML, CSS or Javascript files right on the server through transmit (another great tool) but that is only good for editing single files. When I work on RoR applications I prefer the project view of TextMate which isn’t available through a transmit SFTP session. This is why I check out the entire project to my local disk so I can run it in Locomotive. Afterwards I would commit back to the server on which I’d check out back to the real application.

I just discovered the subversion bundle in TextMate which provides most of the important subversion commands, only a mouse click or a keystroke away. It just suits all my subversion needs and it completes my OS X web coding set up.

The tools I’m using for all this Rails stuff are: Mac OS X, TextMate, Transmit, Firefox with Firebug *, SSH, YourSQL, SVN, Locomotive

* The new webkit Javascript debugger called »Drosera« also looks pretty promising but currently I can kill it debugging my wwworld script.

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Web 3.0 !

It’s funny, the web 2.0 hype isn’t really over yet and people are already thinking about web 3.0. Well, actually I posted an article from a list apart myself in january (link to post

W3C current work:

CSS 3.0 stuff from the W3C:

XHTML 2.0:

Javascript 2.0:


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