Progress Update

Yesterday I had a long talk with Pavel about my project and he told me that he really likes the idea and that he would support me implementing it. No details were discussed because I told him I would have to finish my concept first by getting some more infomations and visualisations. This has to […]

Talk or Walk – First Contact

Since the project documentation is written in english and I have to write relating posts in the same language because I added a special Atom Feed to the page which only contains items of the category »talk-or-walk«. This way people can catch up with future developments. Today I wrote e-mails to ThyssenKrupp, Schindler and Otis, […]

Mein UdK Projekt: Talk or Walk

Soeben habe ich die Seite zur Dokumentation meines Semesterprojektes fertiggestellt. Wie immer, wenn es um meine persönlichen Seiten geht, relativ schlich gestaltet aber mit ein paar Feinheiten bestückt. Ebenso XHTML 1.0 Strict und CSS 2.1 validierend. Das Projekt heisst Talk or Walk und ist unter folgender URL zu finden: Ich besuche ja in diesem […]