Canon 40D officially announced
Finally! Read the first extensive preview here: Hope they post a review pretty soon as well.
Finally! Read the first extensive preview here: Hope they post a review pretty soon as well.
When Pavel microbenchmarked every language he came across it turned out as expected, Ruby was the slowest language in all three micro tests. It was really embarrassing. I was curious if this was about to change in future versions of Ruby so I checked out the current Ruby 1.9 version from their svn repository svn […]
When I started learning Ruby and Ruby on Rails I was introduced to the concept of symbols. You are using a lot of symbols in Rails and it feels somewhat natural after a while but when you try to explain newbies what these symbols are actually good for, it is really hard to describe. It […]
I’m currently working on the software (called CCCash) which will be used to sell the tickets at the Chaos Comunication Camp 2007. During the development process we had a strange bug which we couldn’t really figure out. Pandur, who is also working on the software and who is more experienced than me in terms of […]
This is a neat little command line to open man pages in man -t bash | open -f -a /Applications/ In fact its converting it to a PDF file. I just tried it and its a lot better to read and search than in the Found on