One of my ideas became reality – without me: Port of the Processing language to JavaScript and Canvas

A couple of semesters ago, when i was still enrolled ad UdK I’ve had the idea of porting processing to javascript. I wanted to use SVG instead of canvas but at that time canvas wasn’t really that big. I’ve never had the time to pursue that idea because I was busy with lots of other […]

Updates, really

I haven’t forgotten my weblog. It’s just that if you have lots of stuff to blog about, you don’t really have time to do it. At least that’s the case here. On monday for example, I booted my very first computer. I was kind of late though so its a pretty decent machine compared to […]


Flickr works as a community. You upload photos, people find them and ask you if they can use them. You get feedback without advertising them or something like that. Sometimes however people use your pictures without letting you know. This happens of course when you attach a proper license to your photos. This happened to […]