Mac OS X Keyboard Shortcut for locking the screen

For years I’ve been searching for a keyboard shortcut that would instantly lock my screen / desktop. I’ve seen this on Linux window managers and something like this probably exists on every major operating system. My current workaround was to open, enable the menu bar icon in the preferences and click each time on […]

How to setup SparkleShare beta2 for mac with your own server

Today the first SparkleShare beta for mac came out. SparkleShare is somehow very similar to dropbox but instead of being bound to one company, SparkleShare is based on git and therefor allows hosting your repositories on your own servers. I’ve been waiting for this release for because one of my colleagues is already using it […]

Your own “DNS server”

DNS is one of the key ingredients of the internet and the world wide web. Without it you would have to type long numbers into the browsers address bar instead of convenient domain names like Humans seem to remember words better than numbers. In that sense, DNS is like the internets “phonebook”. To look […]

Link collection about version control systems

Recently I was talking about decentralized version control systems in a german podcast show. For preparing myself I read a lot of articles on that matter and I thought it would be useful for others to share the URLs I stumbled upon. Googles Analysis of Git and Mercurial (Summer 2008) Git vs. Mercurial: Please Relax […]