Preparing Photos for the Web

This post is about the weird problems that can occur when you try to publish your photos on a website. Everything looks fine in your Photoshop but when you look at the pictures with your web-browser it looks almost completely different. Of course it is still the same picture with the same objects on it […]

Website Editing on OS X

I started building and designing websites in the mid nineties when I got my first computer. Back than there were only very basic WYSIWYG editors available and you were better off knowing how to actually write HTML in an text-editor of your choice. When Dreamweaver came out I walked away from writing HTML because the […]

Typography and the Web

The title sounds harmless but I really need to say something here. It is well known that setting type on webpages isn’t really what typophiles are dreaming of. You can set basic things like the line height, the word spacing and you can align your text. Of course there are some more CSS properties but […]