Textpattern, my favourite CMS

I don’t know for sure if mentioned this before so I am going to write some words about my favourite Content Management System. The reason I like textpattern is its simplicity and its flexibility. You can do tons of stuff by combining small modules that are simple to use and to understand. It is well […]

Google Earth is soo 1995

I had a lot of fun last night at the CCCB. We talked till early morning about all kinds of stuff. Pavel also showed me the video of art+com’s project called Terravision. It is pretty much like Google Earth except it was done in 1995 and had a way cooler interface. art+com now released the […]

Neues aus dem Reprokurs

Gestern fand mal wieder der Reprokurs mit Florian Süßl con Metadesign an der UdK statt. Nachdem wir in den Vormonaten das theoretische Wissen vermittelt bekommen haben ging es gestern mit der Praxis los. Dafür hat uns Florian seine Photoshop Settings für das »Soft-Proofen« / Druckvorstufe gegeben. Ich habe mit seiner Erlaubnis daraus ein .zip File […]

The 22C3 is over

I have to write a few words about the 22C3 which just came to an end. This was the first congress without having my laptop with me. I decided to see as many lectures as I could and therefor I didn’t want to walk around with a 17″ Powerbook in my hand. It worked pretty […]