Writing XHTML on Mac OS X

I’m using Textmate on a daily basis for editing XHTML because of its rich and intelligent auto-completion features. Since I started using it I wrote twice as much code (at least) with a lot less actual typing. For those who wonder »how?« there is a screen cast online showing some of the many features of […]

Web 2.0? – more like Web 1.0 RC2!?

Now its 2006, Google Maps and Google Mail are interesting like cold coffee but the hype these projects started is still going on. Everyday there are new »Web 2.0« apps popping up. None of them is doing something really new, right now they are busy combining all of the early »Web 2.0« apps like flickr, […]

Mac OS X on Intel

Yeah I know, this is a little late but I just browsed through the arstechnica website and found a very old article which reviewed the second »Developer Release of Mac OS X (DP2)«. The Review itself is really interesting but what struck me was the Epilogue which says on Tuesday, December 14, 1999: »The OpenStep […]


Ich dachte mir, wenn ich schon nichts eigenes Poste könnte ich zumindest mal eine Leseempfehlung aussprechen. Ich bin gerade noch zu sehr mit anderen Dingen beschäftigt als das ich gehaltvollen eigenen Inhalt produzieren könnte. Schnupfen hab ich auch grad. Anlass für diesen Post ist die kürzlich vorgestellte Modifikation des Urheberrechts. Die Privatkopie oder den Bagatellfall […]