Praised be TextMate and its SVN bundle

It is really unbelievable. This tool is worth every cent. I know I wrote about my affection towards TextMate before but in this very moment I had to do it again because TextMate is replacing one tool after another. I have a subversion repository for my weirdweirdworld project. Usually I edit my HTML, CSS or […]

Design Observer

Quicky Post: One of my oldest subscriptions in my RSS/Atom reader ist the »Design Observer« blog. I don’t read it very often and they don’t post too much either but once in a while they got really good stuff. Like this post which is titled »The Mysterious Power of Context«. The title is a little […]

Quickie: About to buy a Macbook?

Well there are a lot of undecided souls out questioning themselves over and over again the same question: »Should I? I mean, REALLY?« Since Apple announced the MacBook lots of people think about buying it even the ones who were not too fond of Apple computers. For all of those there is one argument more […]