How to bind WEBrick to any IP address

I found several and somewhat complex solutions for this particular problem but actually it’s a no-brainer once you know. Simply type: hukl$ script/server -h => Booting Mongrel (use ‘script/server webrick’ to force WEBrick) Usage: server [options] -p, –port=port Runs Rails on the specified port. Default: 3000 -b, –binding=ip Binds Rails to the specified ip. Default: […]

Sonntag Morgen

… nach dem gemeinsamen Frühstück bereitete ich frischen Orangensaft zu. Danach saßen wir beide vor unseren Computern. Sie las während ich mich mit beschäftigte. Dazu tranken wir den Orangensaft und sie sagte, aus dem Fenster schauend: »Schönes Wetter heute« …

Groups in OS X

The last couple of days I tried to set up an old G4 with OS X 10.4 Tiger to work as a webserver. I didn’t want to run the apache / php that ships with Tiger because these versions are far behind the current versions. So I installed everything via macports which worked pretty smooth. […]