I started my first blog on the 16th of April 2003 at 4:49 in the morning. This blog is third one although I just moved the second one to this new domain. I posted this on my previous blog as well and I have to do it again just to prove that I’ve been in the blogosphere quite a bit. To me it is still amazing to see close friends starting their own weblog and I’m even more amazed when people, who I wouldn’t suspect of being the blogging type, start their site.
Some people now tend to have a blogroll to show which blogs they’re reading, I rather point out some special ones once in a while. In this case I’d like to point to two new players of the game, Jens and Rop. Both just started their own little thing in the web and I’m really curious how it is going to turn out. Rop started right away with pretty sharp remarks on different but mostly political topics. Jens tends to follow more the entertaining way – but it is way to early to have a final impression. Heh, I feel like a sports reporter … Oh I almost forgot, Pavel started writing again as well.
There are a few people left who don’t feel the need of writing their thoughts into the web, like my good friend Karsten. I’m sure he’d have something to say.
For those of you who didn’t know … Karsten, me and a couple of other guys came together with the help of the chaos computer club, a rising star in the early days of the web called kiffer.de and lots of stuff that works well in combination with tabacco. Most of the kiffer.de guys who haven’t had their own blog just started a collaborative one. I didn’t think that it would actually work because some of the guys already tried it on their own once but lost interest shortly after the »hello world« beginning. Now, they’re writing A-LOT. I still hate the generic wordpress theme and the justified text but that’s ok for my newsreader.
So Karsten, it is obviously your turn now!
Again I find it hard to understand what’s going on but at the same time I really like the idea that everyone can publish his or her thoughts worldwide with very low costs. You can actually get things in motion with one entry in your weblog. The whole idea of Joi Itos »Emergent Democracy« seems to work out well, because nowadays it is almost common that mass media refers to blogs and stories that emerged from them. Talking about all this I think I can point you attention once more to Jacob Appelbaums talk(wmv) at the 22C3. It is a pretty good statement about what can be done.
The last thing I have to mention is technorati. It is a blog search engine. First I thought »who needs this?« but currently I think it is one of the most useful websites out there because it really helps you to find interesting articles that deal with certain topics. Best of all: »It is pretty semantic« heh…
No really, check it out, maybe even include technorati tags in your blog to help people to find other articles which deal with certain topics. You can also configure your weblog to ping the technorati servers to notify them whenever you have written something. That way people can find your blog / article on technorati.
I like the web, and I really like weblogs, either if they are funny, entertaining, political, technical, informative or observative.
That I had to say.
Technorati Tags:
web, blogs, semantic web
mir und der k.de Community geht die downtime ziemlich auf die Gesundheit, daher eine BItte:
Kannst du mir sagen WAS nun los ist ? Die “Forum.is.kaputt” Sendung fand nicht statt, weshalb ? Ernsthafte RL Probleme oder anderweitige, wichtigere Beschäftigungen, oder einfache Unlust?
Zweitens, falls ein zeitnaher k.de Relaunch nicht in Aussicht ist, haben einige in der COmmunity interesse, das Forum zu übernehmen und selbst zu hosten.
Bitte um baldige Antwort,