John-Paul Bader | Curriculum vitae

Personal Information

Date of Birth 1982-06-21 (ISO 8601)
Nationality German
Languages German (native), English (proficient)

Contact Information


Professional Experience

2019-Now: Soba GmbH
  • Built a backend for multiplayer game experiences (match making, game discovery, leader boards, social) Elixir and Postgres
  • Built a backend for storing/managing/finding user generated 3D assets using Elixir and Postgres
  • Built a backend for a voice chat room app similar to Clubhouse using Elixir, Postgres and WebRTC
  • Built a backend and transcoding pipeline for a game clip sharing platform / social network using Elixir, PostgreSQL, GCloud
2017-2019: innoQ GmbH - Senior IT Consultant
  • RabbitMQ consulting in the banking environment
  • Worked on a website chat system, similar to Whatsapp, implemented in Erlang
  • Implemented a customer authorization and authentication service in Go for a FinTech Start Up
    including certificate based device binding, two factor auth and public key cryptography for communication
  • Worked on a credit card account and transaction processing backend for a Fintech Start Up
  • Worked on a consumer credit system in Elixir for a FinTech Start Up
2011-2016: Wooga GmbH - Senior Backend Developer
  • Worked as senior developer / DevOp on 5 games with millions of daily active users
  • Designed and implemented several backends with fault tolerance, scalability and performance as priorities
  • Designed and implemented new tracking infrastructure for all games based on Kafka
  • Mentored/Coached four junior developers during that time and supported other teams frequently
  • Active involvement in hiring process with ~60 screening calls and ~20 on site interviews
  • Consolidated CDN and SSL infrastructure for the company, administrated company DNS
2008-2023: Universität der Künste Berlin - Lecturer (part time)
  • As a lecturer I was teaching 20-30 students per semester how the internet is working (technical, social and political aspects)
  • Admin for the internet infrastructure of the faculty (Uplink, TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, WiFi, Servers)
2010-2011: Hoccer GmbH - Senior Backend Developer
  • Developed a backend in Ruby which allowed ad-hoc communication of mobile devices without a formal pairing procedure using geo location and time as pairing vector
2008-2010: Art+Com GmbH - Backend Developer
  • Developed multiple custom content management systems n Ruby for interactive art installations
  • Developed a custom content management system in Ruby on Rails for the website of Wall AG
2003-2008 Various Projects as Freelancer
  • Worked as print- and web designer
  • Implemented or adapted various content management systems


Skills (a small selection)

Elixir, Erlang, Ruby, Go, JavaScript, Shell, Perl, C, R, PHP, HTML/CSS and experiments with others
Databases/Message Stores
PostgreSQL, MySQL, Redis, Kafka, RabbitMQ, Riak, MongoDB, CouchDB, SQLite
Operating Systems
Linux (various), FreeBSD, macOS, Windows
Internet/network infrastructure as in planning a network topology and working with the related protocols
Provisioning, deployment and operation of servers and applications on Bare Metal as well as the Cloud
Working in teams using various methodologies over the years, teaching and consulting others, comfortable to speak in front of an audiences
Strong focus on Test Driven Development, efficiency, scalability, fault tolerance, reliability
Very comfortable with Devops (you build it, you run it)